Book recommendations?


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Trying to spend more time not staring at a screen and I am looking for some (fly) fishing related book recommendations, fiction or non-fiction that aren’t too dense. Thanks ahead of time for y’alls input!


Directly related to fly fishing:
The Feather Thief
The Optimist: A Case for A Fly Fishing Life
A Temporary Refuge

Within interest:
A River Lost
First Approaches to the Northwest Coast


I prefer to call them strike indicators.
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"Dark Waters" and "An Angler's Coast" by Russell Chatham.

And another vote for "The River Why" by David Duncan (Did they really make this into a movie??)

Speaking of books made into movies, "A River Runs Through It" by Norman Mclean is a classic.
FINALLY! A mention of Norman Maclean's fabulous book (I loved this book before it became "the movie").


I prefer to call them strike indicators.
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A wonderful piece of literature, if only I could spell the author's name correctly.
I've read it twice, about time for a third reading. (I Googled Norman's last name to check on spelling.)


Not directly related to fly fishing, but a good series nevertheless are the novels about Maine Game Warden Mike Bowditch by Paul Doiron. The series starts with the book "Poachers Son". There are more than a dozen books in the string.

Little Fork

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There’s a lot of good recommendations in this thread.
Trask by Don Berry, though not fishing related, is historical fiction about the man that pretty river is named after and the region it runs through.


This is a great thread! Grabbed a couple of these suggestions as I’m sure others are.

Another suggestion “Lords of the Fly”. Read the first few pages in a used bookstore in Indiana and bought it. Need to read that one after I finish the current.


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I have gotten so many great recommendations off of the members here.
Here are a couple I just recommended to a friend in need of a good book to cure some of the shack nasties:

Rouge River Journal, John Daniel
The River Why, David James Duncan
River of the Angry Moon, Mark opening paragraph about moving waters I've ever encountered.
The Earth is Enough, Harry Middleton