New Fly Tying Tool Caddy


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Living in Western WA, nowadays I spend about 85% of my fly fishing time on the beaches chasing SRC and salmon. I always come across cool driftwood and have been looking to put a piece to good use somehow. A few months back I decided I’d make a fly tying tool caddy. Since then, I’ve scoured the beaches every time out looking for the right piece without success. Too big, too small, won’t sit flat, too rough. Yesterday I finally found it. Combine that with some inspiration gained in a local shop where some artists is selling drift wood bowls and voila - my new caddy. I may add a few more holes, maybe enlarge a couple others but for a first attempt, it came out alright. Very easy project; free driftwood, a cheap set of wood carving tools I owned and my handy dremel. Knocked it out while the wife took a bath last night. Now I have beach inspiration every time I tie :).

The old caddy.


Started by carving out the bowl.


Careful, that was almost bad…and only two glasses of wine last night :).


Finished project.


Loaded up.


Vandelay Industries

Life of the Party
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Very cool-looking caddy.

I do like the Renzetti caddy. It has been very useful for me.