NFR Humor

Non-fishing related

Capt Insano Emeritis

Forum Supporter
Slipons with velcro… except the tooth part of the velcro is like a magnet to every stray pieces of clothing and fly tying thread you come near. But vertical is good. Walking is good. Bending over is a reminder if you can right yourself after doing so.
If you can’t right yourself then I suppose its a good time to detail clean your shoes. If you know you have dropped size 18 and smaller hooks it also might be a good time to search for them. Cuz your barefoot spouse, wife or partner sure will find them on the bottom of their foot , while in pain doubled over you may get an aggravating lecture about your messy fly tying place, which is often anywhere that is handy.

This is a small slice of my autobiography that will never be completed.
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