Good sign…..or bad?


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If the first fish you catch on a new rod is a 25+ inch rainbow that tows you around a bit? It was heavy and longer than my stripping apron is wide. So…permanent fish god mojo on this rod….or is it cursed? Kind of like catching a fish on the first cast of the day….


Took the day off to pick up a new rod (Sage Sonic 697). Hit the salt early before the shop opened and caught a few small SRC chasing chum fry. Headed to a lake after. Slow but I started at noon so was not expecting much. One lost fish and one other small rainbow made it to my net. Beats work!



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If the first fish you catch on a new rod is a 25+ inch rainbow that tows you around a bit? It was heavy and longer than my stripping apron is wide. So…permanent fish god mojo on this rod….or is it cursed? Kind of like catching a fish on the first cast of the day….

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Took the day off to pick up a new rod (Sage Sonic 697). Hit the salt early before the shop opened and caught a few small SRC chasing chum fry. Headed to a lake after. Slow but I started at noon so was not expecting much. One lost fish and one other small rainbow made it to my net. Beats work!

View attachment 11787
What a way to start!


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Well, since I got such a mixed response, I had to go just find out for myself this morning. Verdict ….good mojo ;).

Who has time for the Easter Bunny when there are Easter piggies to be had! Both these stretched over the 18 inch mark on my stripping basket by a bit. We’ll just say ~20. The first one was a tad bigger than the second.


Plus three more in this range….14-15 inchers.


I know these are just stocker trout but definitely finding this to be a nice alternative to chasing SRC all the time this time of year. Looking forward to chasing bass a bit in the coming weeks as well.

How is the new rod? 697-4 Sonic?

Liking it quite a bit. Has similar action to other Sage fast action rods which is why I bought it. Another beach rod mainly.


Definitely good Mojo! It has been my experience one will always catch a bigger fish than the first one. Now get out there and prove me right!


I’m just here so I don’t get mined
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I too have branched into lakes a bit from the salt. Stocker rainbows are to sea runs what root beer is to a nice IPA. Sure, I know which I’d rather have, but either is pretty good. And with all the pressures our wild fish face, it’s not a bad thing to fish a more artificial arena like a stocked lake.

Also, nice toads!