What’s Going on at Reiter Ponds


Life of the Party
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Such complete bull shit what is happening to the Sky, and all of Washington really.

Historically there was never that many summer runs, about how many there are now from what I've read. The plan to us in-basin stock to provide so little opertunity is a waist of money.
How many years will it take to build up a run from 40-50 fish being used? Really looking forward to looking for those 25 fish returning, but I guess only have to search from the Wallace down, if the river is even open!

Bring back the 250,000 plants of those large agressive Skamainia summer runs please, and truck them over the falls too!

Sure was fun beck in the day, been just 20 yrs since they changed the hatchery practices in 2003.

Amazing how fast things went to shit.

I've been a big fan of Skamania fish since moving to SWW in '75.