Taking down animals

Wadin' Boot

Badly tied flies, mediocre content
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Well some dude in the Wuhan wet market was all "I can take this bat-eatin' Pangolin, no problem" then it hisses at him and whammo, we get this COVID comin' in.

Then some other dude in Africa's like "see that pox covered monkey? I can take that, for sure, I mean look at it, all covered in open sores" next thing we know we got this monkeypox comin' in.

Pretty soon some guy in Australia's like "see that Koala with chlamydia in its eyes, that there blind Koala? I can take that one...." next thing we know we got Koala Chlamydia comin' in
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Life of the Party
I've faced off with, wrestled, wrangled and sometimes killed more than my far share of animals.

Charging herd of brahmas
Crazed cow trying to break down her pen after getting spooked by a bear
As a vet assistant in college - huge young great Dane needing eye drops, crazy cats refusing to take pills, etc
In Texas as a kid - dozens of large snakes wrangled, some venomous killed, caught armadillos, large snapping turtles, gar fish. Close encounters with a number of gators. Once got into a scrap with a nutria and killed it with my dad's Vietnam kbar.

I have raised some mean roosters, angry geese, escape artist goats and hogs...and killed and butcherd the hogs.

Used to own exotics.. giant tortoises, big boas and pythons, large monitor lizards, etc

I've killed mule deer and whitetail. Dozens of other wild games and farm animals.

Point being, not much intimidates me. But I wouldn't want to square up with a bear or cougar without some sort of weapon.


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I once had a prairie chicken of some kind chase me around my car in Yellowstone National Park. I was loading up a camera and spotting scope when all of the sudden the little bastard got strong and started attacking my leg. I gave him a quick swat with a tripod but he was relentless. Now I am a 220+ lb man give or take 30lbs depending on the year and probably could have taken him. The thought of ending up on the Tourons of Yellowstone Instagram feed or an article in Mother Earth with a bullseye across my face made me think twice, so I chose flight over fight and skedaddled.

Since that day at least once a month I am shaken awake by my wife saying.. “honey, you’re talking in your sleep again…the prairie chicke”? “Yes, sweetie, sorry for waking you”….and then she starts laughing hysterically to the point of crying exactly like she did the day it happened.


Known Grizzler-hater of triploids, humpies & ND
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View attachment 104980

Not the best picture because he was pretty upset but I did get my lure back. I would never fight a turtle.

Those snappers are the real deal.
I was fishing a smaller creek in Minnesota and saw two of them fighting or spawning, I’m not sure what they were doing but they were going at it.
Shortly afterwards I hear some noice and this one is climbing over the rocks towards me. I almost needed Travers……
I’m very happy we don’t have them here.



Fear My Powerful Emojis 😆
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Well I am certainly not sprinting 100 yards, or feet, or inches for that matter.
I guess it is a good thing we don't have those snapping turtles out here.


Life of the Party
I've always wanted to get attacked by a medium size bear, with people around to watch. I daydream I'd give him the biggest Haymaker in the nose I could, my dying punch. By the grace of God, he'd turn and run away, not cause of my punch, just cause he didn't want to deal with it or something.
But I'd look so damn badass.

My biggest battle to date was with a giant popcorn spider, who was hanging face level out my backdoor. Walked smackdab face into him and it was on. We were both scared and winded by the end of it. We both escaped after I temporarily detained him show my wife. We'll call it a draw.


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One time I was standing on a flat rock in Chaco sandals on the White River in Vermont, fishing an eddy seam. A Giant Toebiter Beetle in the water saw me, climbed out, and chased me off my rock. Not my proudest moment, I guess.