Seattle I5 Corridor Rabbits.


Life of the Party
Out here in Washington Idaho border, we have a population of Cottontails, but also a large population of Ferrell domestics. Tons of em if you know where to look.

I caught one in my work parking lot last summer. After a while and learning we fed him, He turned out to be a nice rabbit. Got along with the dogs, fairly social to humans.
We got him a friend, that rabbit sucked, scared of everything.

Top rabbit was the wild one. Bottom rabbit was bought from a Breeder.
Think it's a Rex of some sort.

Luckily my dog killed both rabbits before they had babies. Whew, that would have sucked.

Ps- dogs got into a nest of cottontail babies. Don't try to raise them, it's almost impossible. I tried.
My rabbit days are over lol.



Sunkist and Sudafed
Out here in Washington Idaho border, we have a population of Cottontails, but also a large population of Ferrell domestics. Tons of em if you know where to look.

I caught one in my work parking lot last summer. After a while and learning we fed him, He turned out to be a nice rabbit. Got along with the dogs, fairly social to humans.
We got him a friend, that rabbit sucked, scared of everything.

Top rabbit was the wild one. Bottom rabbit was bought from a Breeder.
Think it's a Rex of some sort.

Luckily my dog killed both rabbits before they had babies. Whew, that would have sucked.

Ps- dogs got into a nest of cottontail babies. Don't try to raise them, it's almost impossible. I tried.
My rabbit days are over lol.

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Looks like a Rex, short velvety hair? We have New Zealands, little bit of everything, whites, blacks, red and grays. Finally got some multi colored in the last litter.


5 Weight

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Definitely a lot more in recent years. I’ve had my place for 35 years and never really used to see them. Now I have multiples hanging out in my yard daily.
Leaving early for fishing there are rabbits running around all over the neighborhood. The beach I fished yesterday has a big grassy area up on top of it and there must have been 7-8 rabbits grazing up there as I drove in.
The coyotes must be eating well. They might also be eating all the cats people report missing. The lack of cats might explain some of the rabbit population explosion.
We had an increase in cottontails for a while. Then the Barred Owls showed up. The rest is history.


Sunkist and Sudafed
Wait, are these ubiquitous cottontail rabbits that I've seen everywhere all my life not native to the PNW? I thought they are. If not, I've got a lot of work to do trying to sharpen my eyesight and steady my aim. I was going to wage war on the non-native gray squirrels that have gradually been invading my neighborhood. We've had in increase in rabbits, but I thought it's because I fenced my backyard to keep deer out. It keeps the coyotes and foxes out as well, making the yard kind of a rabbit haven. The great horned owls probably get a few at night, but they hardly make a noticeable dent in the rabbit population.

Thirty years ago possums were everywhere in western WA, but I see very few any more. Same with skunks. I've smelled on a few times in the last year or so, but I bet I've gone over a decade without seeing one as roadkill or smelling their presence.
They are probably native, from what I was reading the eastern cottontails have spread through the Willamette Valley and some near Battleground WA.


Life of the Party
Looks like a Rex, short velvety hair? We have New Zealands, little bit of everything, whites, blacks, red and grays. Finally got some multi colored in the last litter.

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Yeah, we also thought it was a Rex.
He was a cool rabbit.
The other one is a polish blue.

Nice, congrats on the rabbits. We've mulled getting more in the past, but the poop so damn much. And they are escape artists. We didn't want to keep them caged up all the time, but they always escaped if given more space. But never ran away, always stayed close and were able to catch them.


Life of the Party
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The rabbits in Langley, WA on Whidbey are a sight. All sorts of colors and sizes. Clearly some domestic interbreeding.


Known Grizzler-hater of triploids, humpies & ND
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We had an increase in cottontails for a while. Then the Barred Owls showed up. The rest is history.

Wish I could say the same. Lots of barred owls in the park across from my place, but they don’t seem to be affecting the rabbit population. It sure is fun to hear them at night, especially when they are close to my house.




When I lived in AZ north of Flagstaff in the boonies the jackrabbits would pace my car on the dirt "road" for a while and then swerve and Kamakazi dive under my front wheels. I kept and ate one, but it wasn't great.