Reattaching marabou tails.


Being in the cheapskate division of old, lazy, fly tiers, I "try" to reattach marabou tails. This could be for those flies with few strands remaining. Or, it could be that for some zen type feeling I feel the need to remove a "now" non-desirable color in favor of a mystical new concoction that will surely up the numbers. What ever the reason I find the job troublesome. I try to tie a finishing knot at the butt of the fly which presents its problems in process. The finished product looks awkward and lacks my confidence in staying secure.

Any other "thrifty" tiers out there with better luck?

Tom Butler

Grandpa, Small Stream Fanatic
Forum Supporter
I'll pull the body up as much as I can, wrap and whip in the thread, tie in the fluff, then dub a little of the body color under to prop up, and over to cover and cement thread and whip.
A couple pieces of flash greatly increase the longevity of the original marabou for me.

Dustin Chromers

Life of the Party
Forum Supporter
I've repaired wings and such up at the front end but generally if I'm going back into the transmission of the fly I use a razor and start over. Good move on sliding the body up though. I may have to get down on that
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