Question about parachute hackle

John Svahn

Forum Supporter
Ok, so I have switched to finishing parachute flies on the post as opposed to the eye. Made this switch about a decade ago and am happy with the durability. Thing is though, I have this unpleasant-to-me gap between the fly body and hackle where I whip finish. The fish don’t seem to care but oh, I do. I have gone to the farthest corners of the internet and read of super glue instead of knots, hackle shiny side up, hackle shiny side down, and everything else.
What say you sirs and ma’am’s? How do we fix this scourge?


I create a thread base on the post (usually use Congo Hair), tie in the hackle shiny side out, wrap down the post to the body and tie off with a couple half hitches at the base; doesn’t leave a gap.

