Mean People!

Jake Watrous

Forum Supporter
I’ve only run into a few folks like that, but the best shutdown I ever saw was when we were collecting samples for exhibits at the marine science center.

This woman came out of her house to yell at us and threaten us with the police for harassing the wildlife without her permission. She kept getting in the way and underfoot, so one of the project managers pulled out a cell phone and offered to call the police for her.

“Karen” said yes and spewed threats and imagined punishments for us while she impatiently waited for the police to come. When they came she celebrated by amping it up…until she was cited for harassment.


Dead in the water
Staff member
People like that don't deserve to have nice things like a house on the lake. What an ass.

On the other hand, given how people act on the water, she's probably had jagoffs smash 1/2oz jigs into her boat or crash their party barge into her dock.

In summary, humans are terrible. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


Back in Vermont there was a nice small trout stream a short walk from my house. I'd go down there nearly every day (except in winter) and make my way upstream, then down, for a couple hours.

Some folks bought a lot with frontage on the stream (house was a ways uphill) and one day when I walking up the stream they were all down there at the streams edge and had hauled a wooden picnic table down and we're having a family day. The other side of the stream was a cliff. I reeled in and tipped my hat and said hi, mind if I walk right through your nice scene to get upstream? Grunts and glares.

A couple days later I did my usually rounds and there, about 15 feet on either side of that wooden picnic table, were wood stakes with big No Trespassing signs pointing upstream and down! The stakes and the table were way within the ordinary high water line of the stream. I walked right through, that day and many days after that, and kept wishing they'd confront me so that I could explain about correlative water rights and there public trust doctrine, but I never saw them again.


Tom Butler

Grandpa, Small Stream Fanatic
Forum Supporter
You should talk to some of the ranchers I’ve pissed off over the years out here in EWA! That lady is way nicer than some of them!!!
There is a great 2-3 mile reach I'd love to fish over here, but I don't want to get shot. I've met the guy often over 30 years, work and play, but he just is not friendly. There's another 130 miles of river to fish though. Even if we have a right, I usually try to talk to everyone who's land I cross while fishing on at least a yearly basis. They talk to their neighbors too, so just being decent and respectful often goes a long way. Most of the time. Seeing you walk back down the road with a trash bag works wonders as well.