Jerry Wells

Chris Johnson

I went to the fly shop today to pick up some trinkets, as I parked I looked around the lot to see if Jerry might be there, I hadn't seen him for a while. I went inside and said hello and was promptly given the bad news that Jerry had died a couple weeks ago, found on his bed at home. I met Jerry years ago at H&H Sporting Goods when I was first learning the game, he was tremendous help to me and the fishiest son of a gun I've ever met. He's a local legend up here on the North end, he love flyfishing and gardening and was dammed good at both. I know there are a few guys on this board who knew Jerry so I thought I would pass along the news. There is a hole in my heart knowing I'll never get the chance to fish with Jerry again.


Life of the Party
Sadden to hear of Jerry's passing. Thanks for sharing Chris.

I agree that Jerry was one of the fishiest people I ever had the pleasure of fishing with. With this news memories of many wonderful Jerry stories are flashing through my mind. A great angler and wonderful friend, he was the best man at my wedding.

R.I.P. my friend!
