It was good in 2008 and still is


Known Grizzler-hater of triploids, humpies & ND
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#17 doesn’t always happen as expected!


Roy’s cousin
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Not sure if #18 is just extolling the benefits of a ketogenic diet, or is related to a lesson learned on #17.


I hope she has since learned to turn her waders inside out (#33).... not just because of the stink, but also the bacteria and fungi can damage waders (according to Simms).
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Life of the Party
“Always walk though brush with your rod strung up.”

This got me once. Broke off in the near dark at the end of a long day, reeled it in, walked back to car through bushes, the rod tip section was gone…


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At the end of the day when you get to the car, always set your rods down on the windshield, not on the roof. You won't drive away with rods on the windshield. I probably should have learned that one the first time.


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If I was going to write a list,
1 - always tramp about holding your fly rod so the tip trails behind, not extended in front, otherwise you will become familiar with the first names of far too many customer service rep's.
2 - do not fish in the river section known as Rattlesnake Canyon
3 - when fishing on reservation waters, do not call anyone Chief
4 - when the high end fly rod you ordered arrives, look bewildered and tell your wife 'honey, I've been swindled, someone replaced the jewelry I bought for you with some lousy fishing gear'
5 - when someone shows up and wades into the river right where you were finishing your swing, give out a crazy laugh and yell loudly 'bro, I've got some great f'n speed that I just scored, want a hit?'
6 - never fish with someone who loads a case of beer into the back when just fishing for the day
7- when you're slamming the lake fish using Squirmy Worms, and the flyfisher in the boat over asks what you're using, tell them a Zebra midge.
8 - when float tubing a nice hatch, and a houseboat shows up and drops anchor too damn close, with country music blaring and Power Bait slinging, kick away quietly, they are assuredly better armed than you.
9- do not let the fly shop counter guy talk you into buying size 22 midges, they will just ride around forever in your fly box without ever being used
10- Always de-barb your hooks, your ear lobes will appreciate it as much as the trout do

Old Man

Just a useless Old Man.
Forum Legend
I like those small flies. They work good on the Beaverhead