Favorite Fishing Weather


Known Grizzler-hater of triploids, humpies & ND
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Going to be hot this weekend. (n) I've never told anyone before, but I'm not a fan of hot weather. ;) :ROFLMAO:
If you had to choose what your favorite fishing conditions are, what would they be?
Mine would be low to mid 50's with clouds or marine layer and a slight wind chop.


Fear My Powerful Emojis 😆
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About 80-85⁰, afternoon thundershowers, light onshore breezes,enough to put some chop on the bay. Big white puffy clouds in the sky...
In Nicaragua...March and April.

55-65⁰ and marine layer till about noon or so. Then broken clouds in the afternoon.
Fall...early October through mid November.

Tom Butler

Grandpa, Small Stream Fanatic
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Weird for someone in Walla Walla so long, but I dislike the heat, a lot! Give me snowing and 28 degrees with a slight breeze.


Cool mornings with afternoons in the low 70's. I enjoy it when small weather fronts come through, clouds, sun, some light winds, rain, repeat... Hatches change with each weather change.

Wait. Wait. I just described Fall in Idaho and Montana.

dirty dog

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40 to 80 degrees, light breeze, full sun to overcast and gray.
One of the best dry fly fishing days it was raining on the CDA.
Another hot dry fly day was on the Clark Fork in a light rain. As soon as the rain stopped, the bite stopped.
Any day fly fishing is better than a day at work.

John Svahn

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I like clouds and 50s like a lot of you. That weather is pretty rare in interior NorCal tho. I also like the opposite of the weather i just said-the warm evenings of my youth in the mid Atlantic, with fireflies, frogs, and maybe some heat lightning in the background.


Life of the Party
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Night….in the salt…wading…on the right tide. Your senses come alive, especially if there’s diminished light far behind you. An added plus is the billions of stars overhead on a clear night and the deafening silence.
You become the predator…unless of course one is fishing the south facing beaches of Cape Cod with an abundance of seals nearby.