

Life of the Party
Key is to stir it well for the last 10 minutes and take it off when it hits 242 on the thermometer.. you can step away for short periods of time. I've made these 30ish or more times and can also tell from the color and viscosity. Cheers!20231202_231236.jpg20231202_231152.jpg20231202_231200.jpg20231202_231412.jpg20231202_232301.jpg20231203_052138.jpg
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O' Clarkii Stomias

Landlocked Atlantic Salmon
Forum Supporter


Life of the Party
OMG! Not that apocalyptic stove!
I survived it! And after a very surprisingly popular thread its all good! We've moved onto bigger topics like cast iron Dutch ovens vs non cast iron Dutch oven.

And why are caramels so fun for a 56 year old guy!

Plus sourdough bread. And are oatmeal raison cookies really cookies.. cuz they suck imho!!