Cape Cod striped bass recommendations?


Sculpin Enterprises
Forum Supporter
Hi folks,
I will be on Cape Cod for a week in early September. I am looking for 1) recommendations on fly guides for the area and 2) possible DIY beach locations (great white sightings are a bonus...).
Thank you,


loco alto!
Look into the shuttle to Monomoy. They drop you off in the morning and pick you up in the afternoon. Flats fishing all day. Know your tides. Schoolies and larger solo fish. While known mostly for a brawling fight, it is amazing how quickly a big striper will peel line when it wants to get the hell off the flats.


Life of the Party
Forum Supporter
Capt Danny Marini lives in Brewster works the Chatham area. Great individual I’ve fished with many times and I also fished with his Dad. Also a great individual. One of my best days ever fishing was with Dan senior. I was sorry to hear he passed away in ‘21. Did a +90 so he got his moneys worth.

Capt Tony Biski also very good.
Capt Tony Stetzco another standout

Me? When I fished with Danny back in his early days (90s) he would call me up say be at Ryders Cove at 5 am day after tomorrow. I’d leave at 0145 and shut it off at 0450. Danny would have warm muffins ready and we’d be off.
Never a bad day. I’d love to fish with him one more time. Maybe more.

BTW, September is magic time on the Cape. Let us know how you make out.


Freshly Spawned
Look into the shuttle to Monomoy. They drop you off in the morning and pick you up in the afternoon. Flats fishing all day. Know your tides. Schoolies and larger solo fish. While known mostly for a brawling fight, it is amazing how quickly a big striper will peel line when it wants to get the hell off the flats.
To my knowledge trips (shuttle) to M are no longer possible _available. Tried a few months ago. Access to M is gone. One shop have still advertised but they do not provide any access. Old good days on M are long gone.


Freshly Spawned
Water in early September is still quite hot and I would look into rips around elbow/ guides from Chatham area. Strong currents and night fishing if DIY. Guides may put you on the fish -with some chances to find albies as well.
I fished cape many years with no guides. I do not want to be joy killer but striper is in huge decline for years. It's like steelheading nw rather then fun time it used to be ( 20-40 fish days!). Proof me wrong and let me know.
I hope I am wrong!!!!


Water in early September is still quite hot and I would look into rips around elbow/ guides from Chatham area. Strong currents and night fishing if DIY. Guides may put you on the fish -with some chances to find albies as well.
I fished cape many years with no guides. I do not want to be joy killer but striper is in huge decline for years. It's like steelheading nw rather then fun time it used to be ( 20-40 fish days!). Proof me wrong and let me know.
I hope I am wrong!!!!
I grew up in NH and fished the NH area coast for a number of years in the early 90s for stripahs. I disagree with the above, based on the relentless photos my high school buddies send me, while noting they fish gear mostly. Standardizing regulations and the 35" slot limit have been awesome for the fishery, I think there are very substantial numbers of large fish around. Two summers ago, the last time I fished with them, we had 4-5 fish in the boat in the 38-45" class plus a couple dozen smaller fish. One of my best evenings fishing ever, and it wasn't an atypical night for them.

I now think NE striped bass might be one of the better fishing experiences in the country.

Bruce Baker

For grins, I googled Monomoy Island shuttles and came across this site and it listed three outfits that are supposedly offering shuttles. - shuttles in 2023 are in limbo as Capt. Keith suffered an IOD injury and is unable to run tours at this time.


Freshly Spawned
I would be more than happy to here they running fishing shuttle again!!! Please let me know when you come back
I was on cape June 2022 last time and look for old trusty fishing shuttle. No more. What I found it's some kind of shuttle for sunbathers in the summer...they were taking tourists across little chanel to little sandy and less crowdy island. To my knowledge oldfishing shuttle does not exist, reason being storms. One of the major hurricane some years age completely reshape M flats and elbow and running shuttle to north island of M no longer safe/possible. M geography changed. All Chatham harbor changed. There were some photos printed in salt water magazines , before-after storm.
As far as I know at least.

Yes. I miss M.too. Best diy flats striper fishing. Gone.

Do not try to run to M by kayak or small boat by yourself!!!
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Freshly Spawned
Oppend the link Bruce's post.. It is Stage Harbor Marine. Wrong Marine. Wrong ferry. Not fly fishing ferry. Went there last June hoping for some new service. NOPE. Sorry to be joy killer.

Bruce Baker

Oppend the link Bruce's post.. It is Stage Harbor Marine. Wrong Marine. Wrong ferry. Not fly fishing ferry. Went there last June hoping for some new service. NOPE. Sorry to be joy killer.
After reading your post I got curious and for fun, I Googled ferries to the island. I was not looking for anything catering to anglers, just to see if there were any other ferries that to the island other than the one that went out of business. Thanks for taking a look at those links and providing some input.