Can wdfw fly drones?


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So we were out in area 13 fishing blackmouth when a drone flew over the fleet and seemed to hover over each boat. A bit later the wdfw boat just appeared like they do and began to pull a few boats over.
Timing was too coincidental

Anyways, has anyone observed this behavior?
Fishing was decent but I lost mine at the boat
Maybe it is Scones.

Canuck from Kansas

Aimlessly wondering through life
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The Prisoner was a cult fave from the late 60's, we used to watch it in the early mid 70's and get baked.
It was a TV series, not long lasting.

Only 6 or 7 episodes I think. Partick McGoohan as Number 6. I have it on VHS tape somewhere - they wanted information, but they didn't get it.
