What's in your vise?


Life of the Party
I like the look of that slim post, and the reduced bulk should help with casting, especially in the wind.
My only real concern is visibility. I think it should be enough white to see, but cutting it close. Seems it'll float properly though.


Life of the Party
All this talk of frogs coming out of hibernation...two and a half months or so till the topwater bite.
Hook: TMC 8089 #6
tail: olive grizzly marabou, olive grizzly bird fur, yellow neck hackle, black laced chartreuse neck hackle
collar 1: olive grizzly soft hackle
Collar 2: deer hair
body: chartreuse and olive deer over white deer
front legs: olive and chartreuse crazy legs
eyes: 1/4'
weed guard: 20# hard Mason mono


BH Pheasant Tail




hook - Dai Riki 125 #16
thread - Uni 8/0 fire orange
tail - mottled hen
rib - small wire copper
abdomen - pheasant tail
thorax - peacock herl
head - 2.5mm hot orange



Forum Supporter
I will certainly be copying that!

The strips look attached to the hook shank. Did you tie in at the head and glue the braid to the hook shank or are the just tied in at the head and are behaving nicely for the pic?
I glued the whole strip before attaching it to the hook shank. Start at the tail end and work my way up, a small dab of thick uv at a time.


Life of the Party
My first try at a balsa wood popper- Gerbubble
This is two pieces of balsa wood attached to the hook shank with 5 minute epoxy after being shaped with a two edged razor blade, a Dremel and sandpaper. Colored with a marker and coated/sealed with UV resin. The side hackles were folded, pulled into a slot that I cut on the side, and secured with thread in the front and back and UV resin in the front. None of this was easy or quick and while I learned some lessons along the way, I won't try again until this fly can be tested in the spring. A fun little project though. Edit: cast just fine with my bass rod, lands upright everytime and looks good to me. Hope the fish agree.
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