What's in your vise?

This new site should be fun
Do you get emails from your Skiffs website? I was trying to contact you through that

I currently am not receiving emails through my site. Have had a bunch of issues with that that I haven't been able to sort out. I put a note on the page that the contact plug in thing wasn't working and to email directly, but its easy to miss I'm sure.
I hope that people that tie ordinary flies for everyday fishing won't be too intimidated by the Art Flies that have become so predominant on the fly tying pages. As beautiful as the flies are they don't represent what is needed for daily fishing where you might lose a dozen flies a day under normal circumstances. I for one have been intimidated by page after page of complex brilliantly colored flies that are museum quality but lack practicality. I would like to see more fishable flies that would be at home in area lakes and streams and particularly flies that those of us with modest skills can readily tie. I admire the skill it takes to tie the Art Flies but in the end get more out of watching a guy on YouTube tie a Perdigon nymph or a caddis pupa that I can use locally.

And yes-I realize that my remarks will generate some criticism......
I hope that people that tie ordinary flies for everyday fishing won't be too intimidated by the Art Flies that have become so predominant on the fly tying pages. As beautiful as the flies are they don't represent what is needed for daily fishing where you might lose a dozen flies a day under normal circumstances. I for one have been intimidated by page after page of complex brilliantly colored flies that are museum quality but lack practicality. I would like to see more fishable flies that would be at home in area lakes and streams and particularly flies that those of us with modest skills can readily tie. I admire the skill it takes to tie the Art Flies but in the end get more out of watching a guy on YouTube tie a Perdigon nymph or a caddis pupa that I can use locally.

And yes-I realize that my remarks will generate some criticism......
Well I will say this. I was in a fly shop looking at some of those fancy flies on display. I asked the shop guy how they fished. He said “On no- you don’t want to get those wet.” I like all of them