Got any bird pics?


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Sadly no pic, but this morning on the Willamette near downtown PDX I witnessed a juvenile bald eagle come inches away from taking out a great blue heron. All of this went down within 100' of me.


Grey Ghost
Forum Supporter
Sadly no pic, but this morning on the Willamette near downtown PDX I witnessed a juvenile bald eagle come inches away from taking out a great blue heron. All of this went down within 100' of me.
I saw the same thing today on the Middle Fork Willamette. The heron made a lot of noise. Friggin awesome, great view of the juvenile bald eagle.


average member
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I saw the same thing today on the Middle Fork Willamette. The heron made a lot of noise. Friggin awesome, great view of the juvenile bald eagle.
it was just insane! super cool to see. I fumbled to get my camera out (actually had one with a decent zoom on me), but by the time I did, the action was over.

The Fish Whisperer

Forum Supporter
Went to England a few years back with my wife and daughter. A young employee there could tell we were into the birds and gave us a special tour of the Great Gray Owlets that could not yet fly. We all got to have them on our shoulders.....what a once in a lifetime experience.


Same trip: Isle of May in Scotland. Breeding Gannets.


Florida: Red Shouldered Hawk


Christmas Island: Greater Frigate


Everett: Cedar Waxwing


Bothell: Mr Barred Owl was very content sitting there being photographed


Outside of Phoenix, AZ. Lucky to get the Male and Female together.


And finally, one of my favorites. We stayed at a B and B outside of Phoenix and I asked the owner if she happened to have any owls nearby. She said," As a matter of fact, we have one that lives in this big Oak tree. Could not have cared less as I set up my tripod and zoom. Love the camouflage.


Thanks for looking..!
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Wonder what that white thing is that the red arrow is pointing at?

It was these!
Crane Prairie 5-22-2023#4.JPG
Crane Prairie Reservoir 5/22/2023
Hand held Lumix DMC-ZS40 at maximum telephoto(129mm). Approx 1/2 mile away.
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Scott Salzer

Life of the Party
Forum Supporter
Btw - for those hummer feeders, you don’t need the red coloring. They are attracted to the yellow /red colors on the feeder.
One part sugar , four parts water. Clean and restock frequently in th e warmer weather. Keep those guys happy

Jim F.

Still a Genuine Montana Fossil
100% of a very unique photo!