Happy to say we are blessed with another amazing SBS of what looks like a killer spin on a classic by @Kfish

Hook: Ahrex SA 280 Minnow #1/0 or similar short shank hooks
Thread: Semperfli Nanosilk 6/0 white
Tail: 6 olive hackles, 2 grizzly olive hackle, 1 wide webby olive hackle
Flash: Polar Flash green pearl
Head: Strung fuzzy fiber, tan
Eyes: Sight Cast weightless dumbbell eyes, Medium

1. Tie down the weightless dumbbell eyes on your hook with cross wraps and figure 8s, superglue down to secure.

2. Take the marabou fuzz from the wide webby hackle and tie a tuft to the rear of the hook, this provides the body for the tail hackles to rest on.

3. Tie in your tail hackles, 3 on each sides and try to place them all around on the axis (bottom, side, top) so to speak. Give it a dap of Sally Hansen to secure the base.
4. Place a veil of flash all around, and tie in one olive grizzly hackle on each side. Again secure the base with Sally Hansen.

5. Palmer the wide webby hackle in front, this will give it the nice transition b/w the tail and body.

6. Make a dubbing loop about 7-8 inches long, wax the thread and rest the bobbin.

7. Cut out sections of fuzzy strung fibers and place them in the dubbing loop, should be about 6-7 inches long. It's safer to be on the long side since excess can be trimmed off at the hook eye. Spin them up and brush them out as you go, you want a tight thread grip on them since the fibers can be slippery. Like Bob Ross used to say, brush the devil out of it! :) The thread core should be thin and all fibers spread out evenly.

8. Have some water nearby, wet your finger tips and mash down the fibers to one side to make a "flag". Strung fuzzy fibers are stiff so it takes a fair amount of water and pressure to really flatten them. Do this a short section at a time as you palmer it around the hook shank. When you get to the eye do a X crossing over it on top and bottom, keep your pick nearby to straighten out the fibers at this tricky section. You don't want the dubbing loop to flatten down any fibers, it should go in between so all fibers are sticking outward. Continue to wrap and pack in tightly toward the eye, this is where the use of strong threads like Nanosilk is crucial to avoid breakage from all the pressure. Trim off any excess and whip finish at the eye, coat it with cement or Sally Hansen.

9. Brush out all fibers and begin trimming. Make cuts on top, bottom and sides to get the rough desirable block shape first before further trimmings to round it out. You'll need to brush and trim several times to get all the fibers out to get trimmed to shape. Leave a thin band of fuzzy fibers where it meets the hackle to make a good head/body transition.

At the end the head should be round'ish. I use permanent markers to color the top of the head a darker green/olive.

This fly is a little time consuming to tie but if done properly it is very durable and will last a long time. Enjoy!

Thank you to @Kfish for this killer fly! TIme to hit the vise!