April / May Tying Contest

I heard they are going to be early this year............
I have heard this phrase every year, for the last 30 years! It seems to me that the big bugs are always right on time!!!!
Let's see your favorite Golden Stone or Salmonfly pattern. Nymph or adult.


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I don't know how to tie your golden pattern.


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Golden Simulator.

On a size 6 or 8 steamer hook, wrap a layer of nonlead to the head and back one third of the way, to make a front heavy tapered body. Tie in wire rib. Coat with thread and super glue and a layer of yellow yarn or GS dubbing. Squeeze flat with pliers.
Tie in 4-6 peacock herls, leaving a bit sticking out for a tail. Wrap herls forward in the opposite of normal direction, leaving gaps for the yarn or dubbing to shine through. I got a little too close to the eye here.
Tie in black bugger hackle at head. Palmer hackle back to tail, catch it with the wire, and wrap wire forward in open spirals, counter wrapping both hackle and herl. Whip finish. Trim hackle.


Life of the Party
For a nymph, it's got to be the good ol' Pat's Rubberlegs. Won't win you many fly tying awards, but it will catch plenty of fish during the Montana salmonfly season in this size/color combo. Size 6 Tiemco 200R, tan Life Flex barred with black sharpie for legs/etc., small coffee/black "Stonefly Chenille" (from Fly Fish Food), and some .10 lead wire on the shank for weight and contour. I fish it as the lead fly in a drop shot setup. Other stuff works for me, too (the fish get pretty stupid when the salmonflies are moving), but this one has been my top catcher.