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  1. S

    Merry Christmas

    I’m going to busy the next few days . Family, friends, visitors from Brazil. Prepping , cooking, drinking some t hooch. My very best wishes to all of you and your families. I can only hope that you are as lucky as I am for being thankful for all that can tolerate me. (You know who are.) Also...
  2. S

    Canada bound and back

    Had a mixed trip to a well known lake northeast of Vancouver. Met up with a good friend and enjoying others I know. The mixed portion is my success in getting fish to the net. Caught a lot of fish one day, including my biggest lake fish to date. One day, I had 16+ in the net. Other days where...
  3. S

    Pastor & Co.

    Anybody know this rod? Pastor & Company North Hollywood, CA F-85-3 4-7/8 Costa Mesa Sila(?)-Flex Down in Visalia at a cousins house. Any help? Scott
  4. S

    What are you reading

    “In a previous life “, I really enjoyed this thread. A lot of excellent suggestions. I only hope to survive long enough to put a dent in the list of suggestions. Currently reading Northwest Passage - The Great Columbia River, William Dietrich. Not a quick read, for me, but a very good narrative...