Recent content by Salmon123

  1. Salmon123

    NFR 2024 Garden and Growing Things thread

    One other thing I wont miss is having my sprinkler stolen out of my front yard.... WTF who steals a sprinkler.
  2. Salmon123

    NFR 2024 Garden and Growing Things thread

    Well, I finally got around and got 6 cattle tanks everything is in... Corn, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Zucchini, Erbs, Cucumbers, Etc. I got rid of the garden out front of the house it was 40ft wide 80-100ft long. I spent to much time on weeding and water.
  3. Salmon123

    NFR 2024 Garden and Growing Things thread

    Gents... Thanks for the info I'll go a different route then.
  4. Salmon123

    NFR 2024 Garden and Growing Things thread

    Question I am in the middle of re doing my raised beds, I am putting in galvanized water troffs to use instead of traditional boxes. My plan is to drill holes in bottom for water run off and pile a bunch of cardboard in their before putting in top soil. My question is I have a bunch of old soar...
  5. Salmon123

    NFR Places to eat after (or before) fishing

    Buzzy, Thanks for the info hitting Quincy lakes area up this weekend. Quincy use to have a bomb pizza joint called Zach's its long gone now
  6. Salmon123

    New(?) guy here

    Chad I’m in the same boat as you just joined up, not a salty dog I’m a wuss in the ocean located over to Yakima 10 years ago from Camas, Wa, enjoy fishing rivers and lake over here on the Good side of the state