Recent content by _WW_

  1. _WW_

    NFR Taking the train instead of driving...

    Rode the overnight milk run from Omaha to Denver on seats resembling park benches. 1969.
  2. _WW_

    South Sound Lake Report

    Man! I don't even know you anymore.
  3. _WW_

    NFR Humor

    I had a salad joke. But I tossed it.
  4. _WW_

    2024 Skagit River Speyapalooza

    Lemme guess. It looks like a nail.
  5. _WW_

    NFR - well maybe. Rotated cuffbv

    That's what I did with the bone spur in my right shoulder...for seven fucking dumb ass! Seven years of needless pain. Get these things fixed right away.
  6. _WW_

    Chironomid body wrap?

    The ASB is something I use a lot of. I use the tying thread to build the taper underneath it and then coat the finished fly with resin. Makes them pretty bullet proof.
  7. _WW_

    Chironomid body wrap?

    I just use the tying thread. You can get a lot of bugs from one spool.
  8. _WW_

    Where to put the 2nd anchor on my pram/DB? Advice needed

    Anchor rope to the right, stripping basket to the left.
  9. _WW_

    Strange, weird or odd or whatever beach finds thread….

    I wondered where I left that!
  10. _WW_

    Dual purpose pontoons (stillwater & rivers)?

    Find an older 9' Bronco.
  11. _WW_

    How are you storing/organizing your (flat) materials?

    I think I am using a mixture of everything you've mentioned and just about everything the others have mentioned. I tailor my storage solutions to fit the various nooks and crannies available in the room.
  12. _WW_

    Are Pass Lake Browns Gone?

    The last Brown I caught at Pass did a pretty fair imitation of an anchor. It took quite an effort to get him to come up with the 4wt. Rod tip bent over to the water for nearly a full minute until it finally succumbed to the pressure. Measured all of 16".
  13. _WW_


    I confess, I never water my lawn and do everything in my power to hasten the "Browning".
  14. _WW_

    Splice tape?

    Hockey tape was my go to.
  15. _WW_

    Official 2024 NFL Season Discussion

    I remember when folks thought I was a yahoo expert! Gave the Broncos an F. You know one of those Fs will come back to bite him. Hope it's that one.